it all began. When missionary Angelika Wohlenberg-Kinsey first came to Malambo in the late 1980s, health care and missionary work took place in the shade of the acacia tree. Today, we still use the tree as a workplace, community center, hospital and school.
And in case you've already seen it - our logo also features the acacia tree.
The German association "Hilfe für die Massai e.V." has been supporting the work of the NGO "Help for the massai" (HftM) in Tanzania since 1997.
"I came with God. And I knew it would be difficult, but I also knew that God was behind me, beside me and in front of me, and that was very helpful.“
Angelika Wohlenberg-Kinsey
Founder of Help for the Massai
In the meantime, the project has not only grown in size, but also in the number of employees. We are very happy about the many Core Leaders who are helping us to carry out our work in Tanzania in the long term.
Get to know us:
Sion is a nurse with all her heart. Always there to help the sick and those in need.
Paulo is a native of Malambo and helped set up the Naserian Secondary School. Now he manages the various projects to help the Maasai in Malambo.
Agness is very committed to the children and employees in the project.
Our sister and founder of HftM. After 10 years in a tent in the Tanzanian bush, she is the best crisis manager under the Tanzanian sun.
Joel has been with us for a long time - as a teacher and now as headmaster of the secondary school. He is also trying to do farming in Malambo with a green thumb.
As one of the first civilians, Dirk returned in 2011 as technical manager. He loves Jesus, his wife and daughter and Toyota.
Helpful, loyal and reliable, Prosper is an important support in Malambo. He's not only an accountant, but also always up for a chat.
Sarah brings structure and vision to the project. She works sensitively in a wide variety of areas and, as an accountant, probably has the best overview of all sub-projects.
He has been a faithful prayer and companion of the project for many years. Lukas is now the project manager of our compound in Tengeru, Arusha.
Belinda has been faithfully taking care of finances for many years and is a good and honest advisor.
Aruni himself received his training through HftM as a boy and has been working since 2019 to make this possible for others.
Elisabeth, the mama for all volunteers in Malambo. Countless years as project manager, now she coordinates the school programme from Germany.
As a social worker, Emmanuel visits our external students in Tanzania and supports them in difficult situations.
As a young Masai boy, Raphael has been supported by Angelika in his schooling since 1999. He has been employed as a teacher and later headmaster since 2013 and has been running the new vocational school in Tengeru since 2021.
Ndeshi (aka Mama Peace) met Sister Angelika when she was 16 and has been working with her ever since. She founded the kindergarten in Malambo and now works as the manager of the orphanage.
Daphne is our good soul in our Tanzanian offices. Come what may, she keeps her calm as admin of the schooling programme in Arusha.
Born and raised in Malambo- Nesale knows the problems and sorrows of people in Malambo best. As our social worker she can help where help is needed.
The organization in Germany: Thousands of kilometers away, the work of the founder gave rise to an association "Hilfe für die Massai e.V." (Help for the Massai), which continues to support the work financially to this day. We are a mixed group of people from Germany with a lot of different expertise and background. We try to use those best in our project. A group of motivated former volunteers formed the alumni network "Rafiki wa massai" and supports the association with projects in Germany.
If you are interested in the association or the volunteer work, we look forward to receiving your e-mail!
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