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Education in the steppe

In 1996, founder Angelika Wohlenberg-Kinsey came to Malambo for the first time. At the time, she had no idea that a mobile eye clinic would develop into such a large project. 27 years later, HftM has a 19-hectare compound in the middle of the steppe, where 550 pupils receive a school education. For many pupils, school meals are the only meal of the day.

The school project therefore not only contributes to education but also to health care in Malambo.

Take a look around our compound:

The "KG" kindergarten

Malambo has an English-speaking kindergarten for the youngest children. As the school system in Tanzania is in English from secondary school onwards, our schoolchildren learn English in kindergarten in order to give them an advantage later on. It is not uncommon for them to also learn Swahili here, as in many families only Kimassai, the tribal language, is spoken. There is a lot of playing and singing in the KG and there are also 2 warm meals a day.

Primary School

The Naserian (Engl = peace) primary school was founded in 2005 and accommodates grades 1-7. 280 children study here.

As some children have to travel up to two hours to school, there are two boarding schools that provide a home for both girls and some boys during school hours. This enables the children to learn better in class.

Secondary School

Where young people used to have to complete their secondary school qualifications in towns far away, the founding of Naserian Secondary School with an attached boarding school in 2018 has given them the opportunity to complete their school-leaving qualifications in Malambo. 160 young people attend school here from Year 8 to Year 11.

Thanks to fair working conditions and the housing provided, we have been able to employ very good teaching staff despite the great distance to the town, which is why Naserian Secondary School has been recognised as the best school in Ngorongoro District every year since it was founded.

Other buildings

Other buildings include volunteer and guest accommodation, various kitchens for the children and staff, accommodation for security staff and sanitary facilities.


Climate change is particularly noticeable in Malambo. The dry season brings insect plagues and thus hunger, and the rainy season brings too much rain. Water could not be stored for a long time and electricity was generated by generators for a long time.

It is important for the Maasai to work both cost-effectively and sustainably at various levels.

This includes:

- Power generation exclusively via solar panels
- two biogas plants
- 16 underground water tanks
- a drinking water treatment plant (ultrafiltration) 
- Baumprojekt gegen die Versteppung
You can read how the entire project structure and the management level are designed to be sustainable here .
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